Assalamualaikum :)
its been a while since my last update..ada jer benda nak cerita but the time nak upload photos tu jadi malas pulak...there's mikhail's konsert day, he lead the bacaan rukunegara...our short trip to Genting, our 1st time riding the cable car...friends' weddings and this..our family trip to Medan, Indonesia...My mom have booked our flight since February...mama belanja flight ticket, accomodation semua for 9 of family of 5, my mom and my uncle, makcu (the kids babysitter) and their son... at 1st cikgu kata tak boleh pegi...coz his name was submitted by his PK utk jaga SPM...until about 2 weeks before our flight barulaa tau nama dia kena jaga college exam which only started after we came back..pheww...lega betul..
few months rasa xsyiok jer nak pegi memikirkan i have to handle the kids by myself..contemplating nak bgtau my mom taknak pegi but knowing how much she's looking forward for a family trip we postponed until the end...end up semua ok2 Allah's plan..btw this is ariq's 1st flight..although my aunty semua ada but mommy's would understand my feeling...tgh bercuti takkan nak harapkan org jaga pulak kan..Alhamdulillah semua dipermudahkan Allah..
its a fortunate that my husband had a friend working at the airport so we get to parked our cars there for free...easier for us that way since we have 3 kids and few luggage to handle...our flight was on 10.50pm..yup, tulaa rahsia tambang murah AA, hahaha...bertolak ke KLIA lepas asar but we have prepare our kids for that.. nap during the day, bg makan kenyang2 and i even made kek batik for them to munch...

had our dinner at KFC

Medan city view from our room..walaupun bangunan tinggi x banyak tp penempatan dia padat n rapat2..

arrived at Danau Toba, had Padang food for lunch before we checked into our hotel for a night..

dari uphill dah nampak pemandangan Tasik yg luas..MashaaAllah, so beautiful..our camera didnt do well to capture the breathtaking view..

pagi2 dah jalan2 round hotel ngan nda..tgk orang mancing..most of them ialah supir2 yang bawak kalau tamu dia bermalam lama, they will do this..besar2 jugak ikan yang ditangkap..

buffet breakfast..tak banyak choice sangat..mostly, nasi goreng, mee goreng..ada tempe goreng n sup tapi sedap jugaklaa..n their kopi O mmg sedappp..

thats the name of our hotel : Danau Toba Cottage

antara roti yang menjadi my favourite..situ tulis cokelat sarikaya..ingatkan dia combine perisa rupanya roti dia melekat..tapi flavor asing..roti kat sana lembut2..pastu yg plain pun rasa macam lemak2 susu gitu..

macam biasa, melayan my mom..

cikgu tuh, kalau kita ajak dia bergambar mcm nih, memang takdelaa..unless my mom suruh..hahaha

we stop sekejap dekat pasar yang jual macam2 souvenir..dapatlaa beli sikit2..then we continued to Medan and stop at few be continued
few months rasa xsyiok jer nak pegi memikirkan i have to handle the kids by myself..contemplating nak bgtau my mom taknak pegi but knowing how much she's looking forward for a family trip we postponed until the end...end up semua ok2 Allah's plan..btw this is ariq's 1st flight..although my aunty semua ada but mommy's would understand my feeling...tgh bercuti takkan nak harapkan org jaga pulak kan..Alhamdulillah semua dipermudahkan Allah..
its a fortunate that my husband had a friend working at the airport so we get to parked our cars there for free...easier for us that way since we have 3 kids and few luggage to handle...our flight was on 10.50pm..yup, tulaa rahsia tambang murah AA, hahaha...bertolak ke KLIA lepas asar but we have prepare our kids for that.. nap during the day, bg makan kenyang2 and i even made kek batik for them to munch...

had our dinner at KFC

while waiting before boarding
bye Malaysia
hello Medan...Alhamdulillah smooth flight, no delay and arrived an hour later at Kualanamu airport...our tourist guide Pak Zun dah siap menunggu...from airport to our hotel Grand Anteras took about 40 minutes..sampai2 jer mmg tak larat nak buat apa dah..change the kids into their pyjamas then off to mom and my uncle semua pegi lepak2 kedai mana tah siap makan nasi goreng Acheh...balik bilik pun dah 2am++
wefie sket sebelum check out

Medan city view from our room..walaupun bangunan tinggi x banyak tp penempatan dia padat n rapat2..

after breakfast we checked out from Grand Anteras and off we went to Danau Toba..

4 hours in the car with them..i prepared 2 packet of Indomie mee goreng..laku keras ok...the kids are at age where they are constantly hungry..

arrived at Danau Toba, had Padang food for lunch before we checked into our hotel for a night..

dari uphill dah nampak pemandangan Tasik yg luas..MashaaAllah, so beautiful..our camera didnt do well to capture the breathtaking view..
every hotel my mom booked 3 rooms..1 for my family, 1 for my uncle n his son n 1 for my aunty n her..but my aunty prefer to stay with her family so arianalaa teman nda dia..
mujur ada "mama"
decent room..kettle takde..nak air panas kena mintak nanti dia hantar flusk..1 thing that surprised me was there is no fan or aircond in the room..xde aircond boleh fahamlaa sebab sana katanya sejuk altho when we arrive at 3pm, cuaca tak sejuk pun..dahlaa sakit kepala..after taking some panadol, i tried to sleep tapi berpeluh2 acaner? my husband suggest me to take a bath and i did just that..barulaa lega sikit...
the lake is 600m deep..thinking just that makes me chill
clear blue sky...beyond that pavement walk ada ramai orang memancing..
my uncle take a stroll around the hotel..cari simkad and coffee..Danau Toba also famous for its various coffee selection..that evening it rains..x jadilaa nak naik boat pusing tasik..nak pegi strawberry farm pun x jadi..we only went out for dinner and tapau some tit bit from their local store..suka roti2 kat sana..sedap2..
mlm hujan bersambung ke subuh..memang sejuk sangat..tido siap tarik selimut sampai ke kepala..huhu

pagi2 dah jalan2 round hotel ngan nda..tgk orang mancing..most of them ialah supir2 yang bawak kalau tamu dia bermalam lama, they will do this..besar2 jugak ikan yang ditangkap..

buffet breakfast..tak banyak choice sangat..mostly, nasi goreng, mee goreng..ada tempe goreng n sup tapi sedap jugaklaa..n their kopi O mmg sedappp..

thats the name of our hotel : Danau Toba Cottage
all 9 of us..
mikhail moyok tak dapat mandi pool..alahai, kat rumah pun ada pool..lagipun dah nak check out..malas nak basah2kan baju..

antara roti yang menjadi my favourite..situ tulis cokelat sarikaya..ingatkan dia combine perisa rupanya roti dia melekat..tapi flavor asing..roti kat sana lembut2..pastu yg plain pun rasa macam lemak2 susu gitu..
some interesting details at the hotel..
mama suruh bergambar dulu..buat kenangan..
budak nih mmg berkepit jer dgn nda..mmg banyaklaa gambar2 dia..
budak bandar jumpa "ceri"..dia tak tau mommy dia jenuh dulu panjat pokok..selamba makan x basuh pun..hahaha
singgah minum pelbagai jenis kopi kat lereng bukit overseeing the Lake Toba..

macam biasa, melayan my mom..

cikgu tuh, kalau kita ajak dia bergambar mcm nih, memang takdelaa..unless my mom suruh..hahaha

we stop sekejap dekat pasar yang jual macam2 souvenir..dapatlaa beli sikit2..then we continued to Medan and stop at few be continued
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