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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

loong weekend

Assalamualaikum :)

So last weekend dapat balik kampung husband lama sikit due to Thaipusam holiday. dah plan nak celebrate ariana's birthday which kebetulan falls on that i pujuk my boss to let me left the office early on friday konon nak deliver mandarin oranges to our client in Malacca..hahaha..pandai x?

on sunday evening we went to the hype Big Bowl Ice..its a desserts restaurant that serve shaved ice..sedap sebab ice shaved tu daripada buah yang sebenar..ada toppings and price wise oklaa..dalam belas2 compared to last time we went to Justberry Dessert House..mahal giler, ice kosong plak tuh..harap topping jer.. 

we ordered 5 bowls of different flavor..semua sedap


Durian + Mango

Chocolate + Strawberry

Laici + Longan..1 lagi x ingat apa tapi chocolate jugak 

then on sunday we had a small birthday party for ariana.. that one i'll make a separate post..

on monday we make a stop at our Uni friends' eatery near MITC..just waze/google Dap' O Nasi Sup Daging Bakar..kedai dia dekat foodcourt Tennis Centre..they sell white rice with soup and grilled beef/lamb/chicken

melayan anak2 suruh amik gambar

cikgu's set = nasi + sup tulang + daging bakar.. the kids had rice and the soup..

mine = nasi + daging bakar + sup perut air asam..sedap!! xpernah rasa sup macam tuh..masam2 sket but just nice xmeloyakan walaupun ada perut

nih mak budak nih tuh dia wa saying that she's in malacca and kalau sempat she will come and join me..Alhamdulillah sempat jugak catch up.. 

tu tudung magenta is the tokey..husband dia pun matrix UUM..yang pakai spek tu is another UUM matrix mate..her husband is my coursemate..geng2 huslerr..kebetulan dia pun singgah makan situ..dah macam reunion bebudak matrix UUM was brief but satisfying dpt jumpa kawan lama..

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