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Monday, July 15, 2013

wedding zana. 18, 19 and 25th May 2013

so my sister zana dah pun kahwin. few month preparation. penat ahkak tapi puas hati segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. well, hiccups sikit2 tu adalah. so, takmo citer panjang2, let the pictures and caption tell you the story....

meeting kat rumah abah seminggu sebelum majlis. pembahagian tugas and a chance to meet up with dear relatives

  i was in charge of doorgift and these are my dayang2...hehehe

when you have 2 sets of parents, majlis juga perlu adil. majlis nikah handled by my mother. theme : purple
above pic is my sis fatin and my mom's father, our atok. still handsome kan?

kawin jugak akhirnya. sebak pulak bila fikir my baby sister is all grown up now. well dah tua pun. but she is the "adik" of the family. mana2 pergi orang panggil adik. even our younger siblings. she insist on doing everything own her own tapi doesn't have the time. hmmm...mentang2 wedding manager (me laa, sapa lagi) dia ada...

like me, abah nikahkan sendiri. 2 kali lafaz, salah abah. just like my time ;P

selamat sudah. short, simple n sweet. takyah bertaklik mak bapak anak bagailah...


pengantin with abah n aunty.

abah n my little brother, emir

these was majlis bersanding, the next day. theme : mint green. alan pakai hijau sebab dia n my cousin dapat tugas jadi mc. so, konon nak camouflage behind the scenela...skali dia suruh dj yg cakap. dia cuma sediakan text jer. hmmm...kita dah tau dia tuh malu...huhuhu
 grab this oppurtunity to meet up with my bff. tak puas tapi seronok jugak. dapat lepas windu...wuwuwu

budak yg suka camho senang je nak pujuk... :) 

majlis bertandang @ picc. kat bilik persalinan...santeknyerr dia...

the view from our seat

cantik lampu gantung2 gitu

the bride and groom walk the aisle

cake cutting. tak merasa pun kek dia...buat hiasan je agaknya...huhuhu

our baju sponsored by the bride. tanda appreciation katanya. thanks adik. tambah lg sepasang baju raya...

pelamin. simple but nice.

mother and nephew of the bride..


pengantin lama...moga kekal hingga ke syurga

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