me n zana plan nak wat bday surprise untuk abah since his real birthdate on 15 March tapi tak sempat sebab abah gi redang. jangan tak caya, my abah eventho dah reach 56, dia memang suka outdoor activity. siap ada deepsea diving license lagi tuh. we planned for this weekend since my sister emilda also dah dapat result in spm and emir's bday is also coming this april. so alang2 buat skalilaa...oh, emilda n emir is our halfblood siblings on my father's side.
we booked karaoke session kat redbox on saturday and wait for abah's arrival (cewah) at the street market at the curve. we all cuma plan dengan aunty n emilda and ask them not to tell abah. konon nak wat surpriselaa...then bila we all kengkonon stumble on each other abah boleh pulak cakap "eh, jumpa sini pulak. we thought of going to your house tomorrow..." hehehe. plan menjadi...tak sampai hati nak simpan lama2, lastly we confess it was preplanned. zana being her yang memang tak segan silu screamed "surprise!!!" in d middle of the crowd. aku tak dapatla nk buat gitu. segan aih. later we proceed to redbox.
i bought emilda a necklace with heartshape pendant and emir dapat a football. haiz susah nak carik hadiah for that boy. dia baru darjah 5 tapi badan gedemp gak so nak carik baju ker kasut ker memang susah nak teka saiz dia. for abah, we didnt have the chance to buy anything YET. but me n zana maybe nak belikan dia boot masuk hutan yang decent sket. itu kena bawak abahlaa pegi try size. ntah bilalaa pulak nak jumpa tuh. we only met abah paling kerap pun once a month or once every 2 months kot. either we are busy or abah busy. tapi abah cool jer. so, kurangla sikit rasa bersalah tuh. hehehe.
the whole family on my father's side
look who's not missing the chance...hehehe
this one too...
she snap this pic of me...
the food spread...not so inviting...tak byk choice...
bday "boy" singing duet with zana

the siblings n their father
so, after our karaoke session, we all lepak kat little penang pulak having hot beverages. ariana yang tido siang kejap pun macam dapat energy booster duk berlari ke sana sini. sib baik ada uncle emir dia duk jaga. kurus kejap adik aku tuh. hehehe. aunty said next month dia belanja pulak. guess that everybody is getting their bonuses by this time ayy? hehehe. kemana pulak lepas nih...we'll see...