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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

and baby A is a....*drum roll*

yday i was on leave. got doc's appointment for 3D scan. and to spend some time with mi familia on hub's bday. nothing fancy, just had lunch at manhattan fish market then straight to Al-Islam. but yang tak best is when this lil fella won't cooperate. dia tunduk ke bawah pulak. only got to see the side of the face. agak chubby, hidung bulat, mulut kecik (definitely tak ikut mummy), dahi pun macam kakak yana dia. cuma mata n rambut yang tak dapat nak tengok coz the image was not that good. but i suspect rambut dia lebat tak macam kakak yana coz this pregnancy aku kerap rasa nak terkencing. relevan ker?

oh, and as promise, i will tell you the gender of my baby. maybe ramai (the people around me) yang dah tau. but for my blogger frens, my baby is a BOY!!! yup ash. kita sama. hehehe. the previous 3 ultrasound pun doc dah kata boy. so, masa shopping kat mami & baby fair dulu dah amik 2-3 helai baju baby boy. tapi masa awal2 pregnant dulu pun memang dah ada instinct rasa macam boy. Alhamdulillah, dah dapat sepasang. but actually boy or girl mana2 pun sama jer. baru 2nd baby kot. excited jugak. and this baby boy adalah sangat aktif. i feel the movement macam tsunami dalam perut nih. BIG movements unlike kakak yana dulu. maybe jugak sebab this is 2nd baby, so ruang tuh besar, syoklaa dia buat somersault kat dalam nih.

i really wanna upload his 3D image tapi harini lupa bawak cablelaa pulak. so sorry. nanti bila ada kesempatan kita wat WW entry n put his pic k. oh, nama pun dah ada. its baby A Mikhail. A nyer belum finalize coz we have 3 different beautiful A names to choose. maybe bila dah tengok muka n personality dia, baru leh pilih. currently yana panggil adik or mikhail jer. just like cerita ariana mikhail yang aku suka sangat tuh...hehehe...

p/s : dalam bersuka ria tengok gambar baby, ada yang berduka. my frens mansor n his wife azelina just lost their beautiful twin girls at 29 weeks in the womb. forced birth yesterday afternoon and sudah selamat dikebumikan lepas isyak malam tadi. Al-fatihah buat bidadari2 syurga nur adriana dan nur afrina. menunggu ibu dan ayah di pintu syurga bila tiba waktunya...


Mummy AwwalHariz said...

wah... sepasang...
i'm expecting my 3rd hero.. boy gak.. hehe

aLin arLene said...

uii...dah nak masuk 3...mesti niza kurus kan duk berkejar with the 2 heroes...hehehe

ashra said...

so hepi for u.

da sepasang.alhamdulillah.. ;)

takziah buat kwn alin.
twin lg.insyaallah,pasti allah gantikan dgn lebih baik.
mudahan tabah beliau sekeluarga